Tree of Remembrance, 2005, Manchester


This 11 metre high sculptural tree is set within a landscape by renowned Japanese architect Tadao Ando. The sculpture replaced a dying tree within the scheme. It commemorates those Manchester civilians who died during World War 2. Their names are etched into the bronze bands circling the trunk.
A canopy of bronze and stainless steel provides a sense of shelter and contemplation for memorial events. Feelings austerity and sensitivity are intertwined.


The victims names are laser cut into the trunk, evoking those traditionally carved into bark.
Using steel and bronze provides a peaceful twist on the use of metals in warfare.
The tree canopy filters naturally dappled light and suggests the form of the original tree.


Manchester City Council

Lead Artist
Wolfgang Buttress

Main Contractor
Wolfgang and Heron

Structural Engineers
Price and Myers

Images courtesy of Jason Lock

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